其實可以準備考考 Cisco 相關認證考試了! Why?
今天的美元兌台幣匯率: 1 U.S. dollar = 29.0343186 Taiwan dollars
換句話說, 250 USD 的 CCNA 考試費用, 以今天的匯率來算, 大約為 7,259 TWD. 跟不久之前 1 USD = 32 TWD 相比, 幾乎是打了九折!
心動了嗎? 趕快行動吧!
... Therefore, I have a list of a few things that should not appear in a clean network:
1. Configuration not saved
2. Router interface down
3. Switch Trunk interface down
4. HSRP/VRRP/GLBP group with only one router