
2008年9月2日 星期二

CCIE Lab 考試取消使用 UniversCD (Document CD)

2008年9月24日起, Cisco 取消 CCIE Lab考試使用 UniversCD,  也就是俗稱的 Document CD.

其實並不令人意外, 我個人已經很久都沒有用過Doc CD了. 直接上網找真的]比較快!

換句話說, 平常用熟 Cisco.com 的搜尋功能的話, 會對你的 CCIE Lab 考試很有幫助喔!


Program Announcements [22 August 2008]
CCIE labs changing from UniversCD to Cisco Documentation

On Sept 24 2008 CCIE labs will no longer support using the UniversCD documentation for the lab exam.

All labs are migrating to Cisco Documentation only. For those scheduled to take the CCIE lab prior to Sept 24 access will still be available for UniversCD.

The Cisco Documentation pages have the same information that currently resides on UniversCD, please refer to the links on the CCIE web pages to view these pages and become familiar with the new format.

After Sept 24 2008 only the Cisco Documentation web pages will be available for CCIE labs.



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